Skill Level 7's 

These individuals have achieved the highest Skill Level possible in the APA in 8-Ball. The patch is an award from our home office in Lake St. Louis, MO and is forwarded to these individuals when the patches are received by the local APA Franchise office.

Matthew D'Errico
Sean Emmitt
Ray Forte
Joe Ganguzza
Jerald Golson
Gregory Goode
Shivam Gupta
Tom Heaney
Kevin Kemp
Chris Kemp
Adam Lombardo
Carmen Lombardo
Arty Lopez
Mark Moore
Brett Myerson
Pablo Paredes
Thomas Peterson
Nicholas Restivo
Steve Salameh
Vinnie Sauro
Paul Spaanstra
Chris Taormina
Dave Varandas
Joseph Vigil
Bob Welsh
Jaydev Zaveri