Grand Slammers

Our Grand Slammers are those individuals who have earned the right to wear the Grand Slam patch. They gained this right by performing all four of four different feats.
Making the 8-Ball on the Break
Making the 9-Ball on the Break
Breaking and Running a Rack of 8-Ball
Breaking and Running a Rack of 9-Ball

Greg Ackerman
    John Adamkovich
    Mark Andersen
    Robert Anderson
    Mark Andolora
    John Armas
    Jack Baldwin
    Jen Bell 
    Steven Blaszak
    John "The Dragon" Boise
    Thomas Butera
    Brad Cashell
    James Chada
    Larry Chandler
    Cindy Colavita
    Mike Cooper
    James Daly
    Howard David
    Charlie Debeneadto
    Matthew D'Errico
    John Devito
    Don DiGiovine
    Marco Dinicolangelo
    Bob Doty
    Kevin Dunlap
    Jason Egeln
    John Faria
    Joe Fego
    Dennis Feliciano
    Daniel Feliciano
    Michael Figueroa
    David Fitzpatrick
    Justin Furfaro
    Jerald Golson
    Nick Grieco
    Mickey Hadijpetros
    Mike Haluska
    Tom Heaney
    Blaine Howard
    Darren Jones
    Spanky Kaba
    Kevin Kemp
    Chris Kemp
    Mark Lautz
    Al Lewis

Adam Lombardo
Carmen Lombardo
Arty Lopez
Jeff Mahoney
Mark Mondello
Mark Moore
Bob Morrow
Brett Myerson
Nicholas Nicolaou
Jon Olsz
David Orsini
Kenneth Ost
Daniel Pandolfo
Joseph Pannucci
Mike Pavelchak
Jose Pereyra
Justin Perkins
Al Pfersch
Michael Polizzi
Carlos Ramos
Nicholas Restivo
Stephen Richardson
Sal Rinchiuso
Vinnie Sauro
Paul Sciacca
Eric Scott
Charlie Segear
Nicholas Serino
David Shadwell
George Siewerd
Scott Smith
John Smith
Don Smith
Tim Talmadge
Amy Triolo
Bill Tripp
Ray Uhlendorf
David Varandas
Bob Welsh
John Wenzel
Ed Wilhelm
Carl Zigarelli
Steve Zirger
Frank Zotynia