Masters Divisions

Unlike the other APA formats, the Masters divisions are NOT HANDICAPPED. Handicaps help level the playing field between different skill levels, therefore the Masters format is more suited to higher level players looking for the challenge and opportunity to play against other high level players.

          • 3-person teams - maximum of 4 members on a roster
          • No Handicap and No Skill Level Cap
          • Race to 7 (with beginning format of 8 games of 9-Ball or 5 games of 8-Ball)
          • Players lag. Winner of the lag can choose A or B not both:
         A. The first break
The Format (8-Ball or 9-Ball)
         If the winner chooses to break, the opponent gets to choose the 1st format.

         Once the first format has been chosen, the entire set must be completed before 
         moving to the next format
          • Winner Breaks
          • No Coaching
          • Jump cues ARE ALLOWED
          • 9-Ball is played just like regular 9-Ball except, a player DOES have the option of rolling out (push) after the break, but no 3-foul strategy can be employed to win a game.
          • 8-Ball is played like regular APA 8-Ball
          • Players earn 1 point for each game won - scorekeeping involves keeping track of wins only!
          • A team can earn up to 21 points in a night (+4 bonus points for staying current with team fees)